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"CREAM - The Classic Artists Series" DVD
2006/3/28 15:00
From Germany
Posts: 251
The much-anticipated Premier Episode of The Classic Artists Series of DVDs has been confirmed for this autumn with the release of ‘Cream’, the story of the world’s first rock trio and Super-Group. Their story is told by ‘Cream’ members Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker in a combination of rare archive footage and exclusive new interview material that was specially filmed for the documentary.

The DVD consists of a 2 hour programme plus 111 minutes of DVD extras which include 30 minutes of non-stop live ‘Cream’ performance footage, a photo and memorabilia gallery and extended interviews. On sale from September 25, the DVD also comes with a bonus audio CD of five previously unreleased ‘Cream’ tracks known as the Swedish Sessions which were made in 1967 for Swedish Radio and digitally re-mastered for The Classic Artists Series.
There is also a stunning 16-page full colour booklet with rare archive photographs of ‘Cream’ and inserts written by famed Melody Maker journalist Chris Welch.

Release date: 25. September

On "youtube" is a short trailer from this DVD.



Posted on: 2006/9/3 13:06
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Re: "CREAM - The Classic Artists Series" DVD
2006/3/29 15:48
From Levallois Perret
Posts: 1013
voila qui a l'air intéressant...

incroyable le nombre de trucs qui sortent en ce moment ou qui doivent sortir dans les prochaines semaines... En faisant un tour au Virgin des Champs jeudi dernier, je suis tombé sur un nouveau DVD concernant le Père Eric... Je sais pas trop ce qu'il valait faute d'en avoir entendu parler donc je n'ai pas investi les 25 euros demandés....

mon banquier va me maudire d'ici peu...

PS : au passage, pour ceux qui ne se sont pas procurer la version Deluxe de l'album "eponyme", il est vendu à un prix très acceptable (un peu moins de 20 euros) au magasin cité un peu avant...

Posted on: 2006/9/3 19:59
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