Eric (was) NOT using the tweed Fender Twin amps (in New Orleans). My tickets were in the 6th row and I could tell his tone was a lot brighter this time. After fighting my way up to the front after the show, I think he's using a Dumble! It's a small black amplifier placed next to the Leslie. Whatever this new amp was, it sounded fantastic! Source WE
Watched Clapton last night in Nashville. He sounded a little different than normal though. This morning I woke up and went to Gruhns and was making small talk with an employee who told me that Eric had been in and purchased a Dumble yesterday. He also informed me that he was supposed to use it at last nights show. Source
Et le Twin a depuis fait son retour ... Allez comprendre. Peut-être le nouveau guitar tech d'Eric aurra-t-il l'occasion de nous éclairer sur le sujet.
Au fait, que sait-on au juste de ce Dan Dearnley? J'ai lu quelque part qu'il avait été le tech de Jeff Beck. Le garçon est semble-t-il beaucoup plus discret et moins médiatique que Lee D.