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Re: Robbie Robertson & Eric Clapton in the recording studio

Titre du sujet : Re: Robbie Robertson & Eric Clapton in the recording studio
par Sally sur 04/01/2011 17:23:35

Citation :

How To Become Clairvoyant, Robbie Robertson's First Album in Over a Decade,
Is Due Out April 5, 2011 on 429 Records

Produced By Marius de Vries And Robertson
Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Robert Randolph, Trent Reznor And Tom Morello
are Featured

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- On April 5, 2011, 429 Records will
release How To Become Clairvoyant, Robbie Robertson's fifth solo album and
his first record in more than 10 years. Guitar virtuosos Eric Clapton (who
co-wrote three tracks with Robertson), Tom Morello and Robert Randolph guest
on the album, which Robertson co-produced with Marius de Vries. How To
Become Clairvoyant also features Steve Winwood and Trent Reznor as well as
vocalists Angela McCluskey, Rocco Deluca, Dana Glover and Taylor Goldsmith
of Dawes. Bassist Pino Palladino and drummer Ian Thomas lay down the groove

On his last two albums – Music for The Native Americans (1994) and Contact
from the Underworld of Redboy (1998) – Robertson explored his ancestry. Now,
with How To Become Clairvoyant, he takes on his rock heritage, delivering
his first-ever song about leaving The Band, the evocative "This Is Where I
Get Off." "What is lost? What is missing?" Robertson asks on "When The Night
Was Young," a poignant reflection on youthful idealism. "We could change the
world/stop the war…but that was back when the night was young."


Greetings and a Happy New Year to all claptonwebiens
