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Re: Tout ça pour ça ! Ou chronique d’une chimère…Sujet fleuve

Titre du sujet : Re: Tout ça pour ça ! Ou chronique d’une chimère…Sujet fleuve
par GodAddict sur 08/12/2007 14:15:35

Si je devais rebaptiser ce sujet il s’appellerait ; Et la lumière fut !

A l’heure où j’ai posté les questions, j’étais comme toi Boogaloo, assez fatigué et je ne pensais pas m’adresser directement à B.Haworth.
Le 8/12 – 12h49mn
Voici les réponses de B.Haworth himself.
Je fais un copier/coller sans rien changer. Je remplace juste mon adresse web par mon pseudo

In a message dated 07/12/2007 23:02:14 GMT Standard Time, GodAddict writes:

Bryn's answers in blue:
-------Message original-------
Congratulations from France to B.Haworth. He is a great guitarist and a very good slideman, his voice is very nice too.
I got the LP titled The Gap (1982 reissued from 1980). Ten very good songs played by very good musicians.
> Thank you so much for your very kind comments on The Gap; I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I have just some questions about this LP: On the back on the cover I can read somme informations. Are there really two drummers on the tracks?
Henri Spinetti and Bruce Rowland ? Please could you tell me if they played alternatively or together?
>Henry played on all the main tracks and Bruce overdubbed his parts later.

Dave Markee and Henri Spinetti where the two members of the rhythm section of Eric Clapton at this time, and Chris Stainton was the Eric Clapton's pianist. Is it possible that Eric Clapton played under pseudonym on this LP?
> No, I just knew these 3 musicians from previous recordings we did together

At this moment could you tell me if Bruce rowland plays always on drums, and in afirmative case, what is the name of his band.
> Bruce retired and now lives in Devon

Thank you verry much for you reply. Sorry for my English, but I try to do my Best. I am 58 years old and the school is very, very far.
> Your English in fine! Better than my French!!

Sorry, one more question. Normally just B.Hawort how guitarist on the tracks. But I can hear two guitars playing. One another guitarist played, or this is re-recording or overdub? In the case of they are two guitarists who is tehe second?
> I usually do all the guitar parts... (overdubs)

Thanks again for your interest in my music.
Very best wishes to you for Christmas and the New Year, Bryn