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Re: Christmas blues

Titre du sujet : Re: Christmas blues
par GodAddict sur 02/11/2007 21:45:29

Hi Sally,
I confirm, you’re the best and lucky girl. This CD is not available on where i looked yesterday. Actually the price is not too expensive, it seems offert free with a sale promotion, (44.99€ -20€ =20.99€) now that sounds reasonable, but i’m not sure because i don’t read German. I don’t know if i can order with my international credit card. I will try but before i have to know some information.
I suppose Vor-Und Nachname as name
Firmenname as first name
What is the translation for: Strabe und Haussnummer

Please, could you translate this sentence: Ist diese Adresse Auch Ihre Rechungsadresse?
Thanks in advance.